
Computer Vision and Embedded Technology Experts

We deliver innovative solutions across two core areas: Machine Learning and Embedded Technology. Our machine learning expertise includes advanced capabilities in computer vision, audio classification, and predictive analytics, enabling us to provide actionable insights and automated processes for a range of industries. In the realm of embedded technology, we specialize in the development and deployment of custom firmware and systems. Our comprehensive prototyping services ensure rapid development and refinement of concepts into market-ready products.

We empower businesses to leverage cutting-edge technology for enhanced operational efficiency and competitive advantage.

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Our Services

Machine Learning

We specialize in advanced machine learning solutions, focusing on computer vision, audio classification, and data trend detection. Utilizing top-tier frameworks like TensorFlow, PyTorch, YOLO, and Hugging Face, we offer comprehensive services from model development to deployment. Our team excels in creating custom object detection and image classification systems, sophisticated audio classifiers, and powerful data trend analysis tools, ensuring seamless integration and deployment to enhance your operational efficiency

  • Computer Vision
  • Audio Classification
  • Data Analysis
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Embedded Technology

We are leaders in embedded technology, developing high-performance solutions that span embedded Linux systems, microcontroller-based applications, and advanced sensor integration. We utilize top-tier technology including IMX, Intel NUC, Raspberry Pi, and microcontrollers like Espressif ESP32, ST Microelectronics STM32, and Nordic Semiconductor NRF. Our expertise also extends to deploying TPUs such as the Google Coral accelerator to enhance computational capabilities. Our commitment is to provide cutting-edge solutions that drive innovation and efficiency in your operations.

  • Embedded Linux
  • Microcontroller Firmware
  • Sensor Integration
  • TPU Deployment
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Our comprehensive prototyping services merge cutting-edge technology with engineering expertise to transform your ideas into reality. From 3D printing and custom PCB design to meticulous circuit design and testing, we ensure each prototype meets the highest standards of quality and functionality. Our team is equipped to handle all aspects of the prototype creation process, from initial design to final testing, providing you with reliable and efficient solutions tailored to your specific needs. Whether it's refining designs or conducting rigorous tests, our goal is to deliver prototypes that are ready for successful implementation and mass production.

  • 3D Printing
  • Circuit Design
  • Circuit Testing
  • PCB prototypes
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